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Update #70 - autumn update
October 12th, 2024

It's the weekend and I'm just pushing this latest news item to let you know that (in case you haven't noticed) the past two months have been productive ones at Cornica.

We had approximately 150 new Quicktime videos added to our archive, most of which in the Games and Movie trailers section. But generally, nearly all categories got updated. Check them out - and always remember - Quicktime never dies! :-)

Update #69 - milestone in sight
August 8th, 2024

A few more Quicktime movies have been added to our growing archive, hence it's time to post a news update! A quick check revealed we're slowly approaching 2.000 hosted Quicktime movies on Cornica. I'm excited that Cornica develops this way and grateful for your support! (especially to the uploaders who patiently wait while I'm slowly processing their uploads - sorry :-))

That said, this update brought a couple of additions to our commercials section: two ads for the 128k Mac (no. 1, no. 2) and Who is Newton?. Both by Cornica's top uploader HolidayPack, just like he shared two historic news reports WW2 in the Pacific and D-Day.

User davisdelo uploaded a trailer for the 2024 Fallout series, which we host with respect to the hours of suspense of fun we had with Fallout 1 & 2 on our Macs! Finally, yours truly added a 90's trailer for the Transsiberian Railway in our Nature & Travel category.

Always remember - Quicktime never dies!

Update #68 - back after a break
June 15th, 2024

It has been a good two months since the last news here, and the reason was that I helped out my good friend knezzen. He's recently taken the helm over at Mac OS 9 Lives, the place where the hardcore Mac OS 9 users gather these days and he's got great plans for it. If you're interested in getting the most out of Mac OS 9 and using it productively in 2024, check out the place.

So while I was coding up a retro compatible theme for the forum software, adding a CMS and stuff for the new website, little of my precious free time remained for Cornica. Sorry about that, my fellow video lovers!

Of course it doesn't mean there won't be any more updates on Cornica - quite the opposite, we've still got tons of new and old material! Because remember - Quicktime never dies!

Update #67 - Spring is finally here!
April 11th, 2024

Pushing this update while I'm out in the April sun, enjoying the first rays of spring sun while typing this update on my trusty PowerBook Pismo in BBedit 6.0. This would be an ideal introduction to promoting some laptop / Pismo related new video on Cornica, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, no such videos with this update! (but maybe you've got something to share?)

We do, however, have a lot of other interesting videos, starting with an excerpt from a 1990 Computer Chronicles episode featuring the new low cost Macs of the day!

For fans of The 8-Bit Guy, we've added videos of him restoring beige Apple ADB keyboards to their former glory and a really informative piece on how Vintage game controllers work.

If you're into producing music on your old Mac, and I know some of you are, you may like to watch our latest entry to the music category - Pro Tools HD Music Production from 2002.

Last but not least, everybody's favorite Cornica category movie trailers got a bunch of new entries thanks to our top uploader HolidayPack. These are: Cars, A Knight's Tale, Passion of Christ, Grizzly Man, 50 First Dates and The Devil Wears Prada (Merryl Streep's role reminds me of a former colleague at my ex-workplace ...)

Before you're off to the movies, let me announce that I'll likely do some "spring cleaning" on Cornica in the next 2-3 weeks which may lead to (very) temporary unavailability. If you should run into it while browsing Cornica - I'm sorry! It won't last long.

With that out of the way, everybody have a great time with Macs (PCs, Amigas, Atari) and don't forget: Quicktime never dies!.

Update #66 - Tutorials, fun, games and history
March 7th, 2024

How are ya'll doing? #Marchintosh is upon us again and we've been seeing some interesting projects surface. Of course, many of us (inluding yours truly!) use our old Macs all year long. Some among us use them even as daily drivers. Talk about heroes!

While not daily, Cornica also keeps getting updates all year long - this time with a focus on some new entries for our fun & comedy section. We've got two videos of one of the web's original pranksters, french Remi Gaillard. Watch him do Pac-Man and Mario Kart in real-life!

Also, a quicktime movie of the gift wrapping scene from Love Actually has been added. And while technically a commercial, Air Liberté's The Stewardess is fun to watch too!

As for games, Cornica user HolidayPack shared trailers for Chaos, MDK and Galapagos with us. There's also a video of a new (!) World Builder game in development, in which the author talks about his plans.

For those of you interested in history and/or Japan, we now have a 1968 documentary A Day in Tokyo in our history section. Fun watching!

Last but not least, two new videos by the 8-Bit Guy have been added to tutorials - him restoring an Apple A1048 Keyboard and recapping a Macintosh LC II. Enjoy the spring time with your Macs and don't forget: Quicktime never dies!.

Update #65 - Looking ahead
February 21st, 2024

This update comes much belated. Unfortunately, an issue prevented me from working on Cornica earlier. Things are fine now and hence we see our first update for 2024! Sorry to everybody waiting for new content, let's hope the rest of the year will be different!

Anyway, we're kicking off 2024 with some great new videos. User snes uploaded a video with details of the Project 2004 challenge he's untertaking. He'd love to have others joining in!

User Ethan took a video tutorial on how to scrobble Last.fm from your PPC OSX machine. Way to go Ethan!!

If you're into retro gaming (and who visiting Cornica isn't?), user HolidayPack uploaded six original Sierra mid 90's Quicktime trailers for unforgettable games such as Phantasmagoria, Shivers, Space Quest 6, Torin's Passage, The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery or Trophy Bass. Enjoy the time travel!

Last but not least, if you've watched British TV during the 80's, this commercial here might bring back some memories.

Everybody, enjoy your classic (or emulated) Macintoshes! And don't forget - Quicktime never dies!

Update #64 - Christmas & New Year update
December 31th, 2023

Happy New Year! Have some great days to spend with the family and to unwind and simply live!

And how to do that better than booting that old computer of yours and watching some Quicktime videos while sipping on your favorite drink? We've got the perfect present for you ... :-)

Two videos of important "Apple moments" have been added: Steve Jobs unveiling the Mac 128k and the funeral for Mac OS in 2002.

Our top uploader HolidayPack also provided us with new videos for our history section, be it about the Hale-Bopp comet (remember?), Kurt Cobain's death or the Rescue of baby Jessica.

My personal favorite with this update is Dave Dries' rendered 1984 arcade animation that you'll find in our games section. And we've added another video from the 8-Bit Guy, this time the review for the Mini Amiga500 that was released earlier this year.

This is the final update for 2023. We'll be back in 2024 for more Quicktime glory, so don't forget to bookmark Cornica. And don't forget: Quicktime never dies!

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